Research & Development

Attention Outerwears Customers

Outerwears is looking for testers of prototypes we have developed. See prototype test below, click on a button to contact us.

Outerwears R&D department may occasionally need an air filter, radiator, r/c chassis, or shocks and springs for proto-typing performance parts! We also may need your expertise in helping provide feedback on test parts!!
If you own one of the listed applications below and are willing to let us test a
protoype on, or borrow your application for a 2 to 3 week time frame, please
use the contact button and we will contact you at your convenience. In the
message box please list make, model, year, and any modifications that you
have made to your vehicle. Anyone allowing Outerwears R&D department to
use their application will be compensated with that Outerwears product for free
once it is prototyped. All shipping expenses will be paid by Outerwears (within the United States).